Spirit Animal Readings

Spirit Animal Readings and Testimonials &  
Reincarnation explained by my guides.

Please note that I am now fully booked up for FEB 2024.
Feel free to email me, and I will book you in after that.
I will fit in emergencies if at all possible.

This page I dedicate in the memory of my darling cat Stanley. May 2010 - Sept 2013

I know only too well that feeling of desolation and heartbreak that we suffer when they go to Heaven. I know Stan chose me, and we loved every minute of our three years on this Earth together. I can truly say, at the time of his sudden passing, my heart felt paralysed by the pain and sorrow endured through the grieving process we all we animal lovers have to do. Life does go on, and my strength has returned and for every spirit reading, I ask Stan to bring the animals forward to connect with their owners to help try and ease their heartache too.

Animals leave their Earthly bodies and move to Heaven. I say 'move' as they are still living, but living in a different place now. The choice of words given to me by Stan for his Angel Cat picture I made from a photo of him was, 'Undying Love'. Those words are so true. I now know from personal experience of many spirit readings they can truly help bring peace and comfort to owners, and sometimes for an animal that is left behind too.

People often talk of their pet being 'deceased' however, they do live on in spirit. This is how us pet mediums / spirit animal readers are able to communicate with a pet that has passed over.

Spirit animals communicate the same way as animals living on Earth do and will often make us laugh as well! You will need to know yourself if you are emotionally strong enough at the time to do it, and if not, you may want to delay it until the time is right to have a conversation.
Thank you so so much for your reading today Jackie. I am writing this in the early hours as I’ve not been able to sleep after everything you told me. It just blew me away. 

You truly have an amazing gift.

During the reading you mentioned the word beau / bow. At the time I could not place the relevance but I now realise, I know exactly what Monster was talking about... Him wearing one! It is actually one of my favourite pictures of him which I am delighted to share with you for your testimonial page. 

I am all excited now as my whole outlook on life has changed about life and death. I admit to having been totally agonistic and now I truly believe in the afterlife thanks to you, and my boy Monster.

Jason - London
Hello to everyone who reads this review. I hope it helps you make up your mind as to how brilliant Jackie is. My gorgeous boy Max passed over in Nov 23. It was very sudden and unexpected. I was utterly heartbroken, and part of me died with Max. Here comes Jackie to the rescue and thank goodness I found her. 

When the reading started, I was very nervous, but Jackie put me at ease and was 100% talking to my Max; He told her things nobody could have known, even some happy memories I had forgotten through my heartache. All the things Max told Jackie were just sheer sunshine to my dark heart.

I expected different things to come through, but Max was telling Jackie of all the joy he shared with me and my husband. Some things he mentioned I couldn’t place at the time, but I realised later.

I can honestly say that for the first time in 4 months, I felt happy. That’s what Jackie did; she made me smile again. I’m still going to miss my boy terribly, but this is the very best money I have ever spent, just to chat to my darling boy again.

Max and I thank you so much.  Ann x
We can’t thank you enough Jackie. 

We felt like we were reconnected with our beautiful Molly. 

You described her personality, her impact on everybody she met and events in her life perfectly,  even down to the words, 'ashes to crystals', which you didn’t understand what she was talking about until I told you I’m having her ashes turned into jewellery!

It’s so reassuring to know that she’s still around. 

Thank you, Tracy, Colin & Molly

We cannot thank you enough for the magical reading you gave us. I had been dreading our beloved Coco’s passing as she was over 14, and when it unexpectedly happened we were completely heartbroken so started looking for the right person to give us a reading.

I was so excited but also nervous and as soon as the reading started you were able to pass on information from an excited Coco, all of it relevant, so many things which only she and us would know. It was wonderful and such a relief to hear she didn’t know much about the end, that she is happy and wants us to be too.

Thank you so much Jackie for the peace and happiness it has given us!

Stasia x
We want to express my heartfelt appreciation for connecting with Merlin for us.

We are forever grateful to you for bringing us not only peace of mind but also hope for the future. We are now truly able love our new little girl, Tillie,  with full approval from Merlin, so no guilt or worry for us anymore.

What a wonderful gift you have and to be able to use your gift to help both people and animals alike is beyond magical.

We are forever grateful to you and know where to come in future. We are sharing our wonderful experience with everyone we know so that they can receive the blessings like we did from you.

Kay, Family and Tillie

Spirit Animal Communication
£120 over the phone or £130 for webcam chat

You will need to know yourself if you are emotionally strong enough at the time to do it and, if not, you may want to delay it until the time is right to have a conversation. This is a very sensitive issue and I am only offering it as I have experienced the pure relief/joy etc. it can bring.  
You can book a spirit reading for an animals that has moved to Heaven. I say 'moved' as they are still living, but living in a different place now.

I know how connecting with spirit animals can help bring peace and comfort to owners (and sometimes for an animal that is left behind too).

Animals communicate the same way as animals living on Earth do and will often make us laugh as well!
Payment are made by BACS - I will give you details when doing your booking. 
Please make sure you let me know if this is for a spirit reading or a living reading.
Also, if possible, please put your phone number in your email. 
That way it is easier to contact you. Thank You.

My own guides personal view on reincarnation and spirit life. I get asked this question so many times so I hope it helps you in some way. I do note that people's beliefs are different but this is theirs, and therefore mine. 
"We completely, and utterly, understand your deep love and loss for your pet. The bond and life you have shared with your animal are unique and an amazing experience for which you are undoubtedly very grateful. 

Many people talk about reincarnation, and there are varying views. Our view is simple, and we hope it helps you: 

We know of past lives, and many people do too. These are parts of your soul, which are essentially energy, free to flow and designated to live another life. We cannot ask the spirit of an animal or person to go back to the life they have lived with the same person in the same realm, as that life has been lived. 

We understand that you may have had and adored many pets, some more than others. Every soul's journey is unique and therefore not repeated, as much as the person left on the Earth realm would desire. 

Reincarnation of the soul is organised. Please take a minute to acknowledge that not every life people or animals lead is happy: There are lessons and experiences in every incarnation, and animals are no different. Sometimes they can change species and gender too. This will not be the unique animal that you knew, as that part of their soul lived its incarnation with you. 

We do not go through life having only one pet, only one person we love - love is so strong, and we understand why you would wish that animal or person to come back to you. This would leave the planet with far fewer animals and people, and our growth and learning on both sides would never increase. 

Cherish the feeling that your soul had that part of a beautiful soul as your animal for the length of time set. They will be in spiritual bliss ready and waiting for you, meanwhile living with the rest of your soul family until the day you go to spirit. We are all individuals and wish others to share in the Earth realm too - in whatever shape or form is decided for that incarnated life. 

Know and love who you loved at that time, and open your heart to others. Your spirit animal will be proud of the life they shared with you and will be pleased to see you happily sharing a life with another. They may even 'influence' a new one to 'do this, or do that' like they did. You will see it and even remark on it, and they will see and hear the joy of that too. 

Until you return to spirit after your Earth incarnation, enjoy and do your best with all the animals and people sent to share in your life path."
What a beautiful person Jackie Weaver is. I will be ever grateful for her caring, tenderness, towards me. I am a person feeling just a little on the tender side at the moment. Life has been tough these last few years with family and then the loss of our beloved Emma.

Seeing Jackie who was reading at the The Healing Weekend in Somerset, I was drawn towards her to find out how our Emma was, and if it would help me. It certainly did; it was the best thing I have ever done and I certainly have had many readings in my time. 

Jackie was absolutely spot on with the reading, I cannot express how accurate and amazing the time spent with her was. I would recommend anybody to see Jackie it will lift your spirits, make you walk with a spring in your step again.

Bless you Jackie
Anne P Offer, Somerset
Our beautiful, loyal dog Blueberry has always been at the centre of our family for the 13 years that we were blessed to spend with her. Always by our sides, Blueberry had such a big and positive impact on our lives, that her passing was utterly devastating and heart breaking, yet we just could not believe that it was actually happening. Blueberry had only been ill for a few weeks before we had to take the traumatic decision to have her put to sleep. We had so many worries, anxieties and questions after her passing. Had we done the right thing? Was it the right time? Would she forgive us? Being completely grief stricken, we turned to searching for any kind of help and relief and stumbled across Jackie through her website. We organised to speak exactly 2 weeks after Blueberry’s passing and now have no doubts that our lovely girl is safe and happy, still with us and looking after us.

Through her spirit reading, Jackie’s wonderful gift has filled us with so much relief and comfort in such an awful time, and given us a way to carry on. Jackie told us so many personal stories and traits that could only be from our Blueberry, capturing her personality down to a T! We laughed, cried and laughed some more during the reading, and we couldn’t be happier that we decided to contact Jackie. Blueberry wanted us to know that it was her time to go and she knew that. She let us know that she had such a joyous life with us and we are so thankful to Jackie for allowing us to feel close to Blueberry once again. We all miss her with all our heart but know that one day, we will be together again.

Jackie is so friendly and kind, a woman with a wonderful gift who has given us all a reason to smile again. Thank you so much Jackie.

Andrea, Olivia and Family.
Although I have connections to the spiritual field with my type of work, until now I had never experienced an actual spirit pet reading. 

I have to say that the intense joy that results from the complete realisation of the actual presence and identity of a so-called 'dead' animal companion; of their independent activity; of their unchanged characteristics - that they are genuinely still living, thinking, remembering, loving, and happy and that they are just themselves. 

This is something that really needs to be experienced to be entirely understood.   

Thank you for this insight  and this personal connection to Tosca.

Rod Millington - www.meta-speech.co.uk

It was around two months after Goldie passed that I contacted Jackie to arrange a reading. I had read about Jackie and seen her on TV, and knew she was who I'd get in touch with when I felt ready. Goldie was a friendly dog who loved other dogs and people, and everyone seemed to adore him when we were out. Not having him around has left a big gap in my life. He was my best friend and companion. I felt I wanted to find out more as he passed quickly, and I wondered if he suffered on the last day, as he had kidney problems for some time. I also needed to know if he had been happy with me. 

When Jackie called I knew that I would receive the answers I was looking for. There were things she passed on from him that made me smile. He had said that he should have walked around with a halo, he was so good! That definitely was his personality. His last day he had only felt nauseous he said, which gave me comfort that there was no pain. Jackie said he adored me, which made me feel so much better. Additionally, I know that he can hear me when I talk to him, as I'm always talking to him as I did before. 

I would highly recommend Jackie. I feel easier in myself after our call. She's lovely to talk to and clearly Goldie enjoyed talking about himself to her too. 

Gary Ley, Dundee 

Jackie gave me an accurate reading with much warmth and understanding for my beloved dog Bracken at a time in my life which is proving the most difficult for me.

Bracken spoke to me to give me confirmation it was him regarding his conditions here on earth then went on to share happy moments and how we were proud of each other and how I loved to 'show him off'. Jackie explained that Bracken saw the things I did after his transition which were so accurate in their detail.

I was so bereft with sorrow before connecting with Bracken again and Jackie's wonderful gift allowed me the pleasure and joy of talking with Bracken and knowing we are not separated from our beloved best friends and that we will be reunited again when the time comes. It's so reassuring to know he is still with me.

Thank you so much Jackie. I'm sure I will speak to you again to reconnect.

Rebecca, South Manchester.
Charlie was such a loyal and trusted friend who is sadly missed every day. He brought so much joy into my life so it meant the world to me that Jackie communicated with him after he had passed over.

Everything Jackie said was true and it was an amazing experience which totally changed my life! 

I now know that there is definitely and animal afterlife and that he is okay in Heaven, as all animals and people are. 

I'm so grateful to Jackie as now, when I lose yet another of my adorable pets, I know that that they will be re-united with their friends and with us again one day too.


My first pet, Princess, was my best friend and we had over 8 wonderful years together. She passed away in the early hours at the vets. I was distraught that I couldn’t be there to hold her in her last moments and I couldn’t bare the thought of her passing away on her own. Was she scared? In pain? Did she think I had abandoned her there to die? I then had to decide if I was going to visit her body. I didn’t want to, but I felt I owed it to her as I wasn’t there in her last moments.
I contacted Jackie with my dilemma and she responded in a way that was more than I could have hoped for. I then took the very brave decision to do a spirit reading on the same day that Princess had passed. It was emotional but through Jackie, I was able to hear that Princess was relieved to have passed in this way to spare me any pain of seeing her lifeless body and so I could remember her as she was. She passed peacefully and knew I would never abandon her . This gave me the peace and comfort I needed to make the decision that I was going to remember Princess in my own way and there was no need see her body. Jackie said to me about a necklace…The evening before I was thinking of getting her ashes made into a necklace and Princess confirmed that is what we should do so and so I can carry her with me forever. I will never forget her words when talking about me and my family, “Those were my people, but you were my person”. I will cherish her message forever, “This is not the end; we go on forever.”
Thank you Jackie from the bottom of my heart.    Jessica - London
My beautiful Nina was a senior rescue from China. We were blessed to have Nina for 2 years and 9 months. She was taken ill suddenly and we lost her - my heart broke into a million pieces. In searching for any help with coping with her loss I came about Jackie’s book 'Pet Grief, How to Cope Before and After'.
I realised I could have a telephone session with Jackie and booked my appointment. I was very nervous waiting for the phone to ring that evening but I needn’t have worried, Jackie was so kind and friendly she put me at ease right away like taking to an old friend.
Nina told Jackie so many things that evening, all about her health issues and how she was in personality,
After I lost Nina I lost my faith, Jackie gave it back. Although I do still cry and miss Nina, Jackie connected us and I know now my Nina is my spirit dog and she is still here with me everyday, as in . her words, 'Only a breath away'.
Jackie you are very gifted and blessed. Thank you for connecting me and Nina again, and I would love to do your communication course in the very near future 
Blessings from Lisa and Nina In Devon
I contacted Jackie only a few weeks after I lost my ferret Oda. I think even Jackie was pleasantly surprised to do a reading for a ferret, as it is a little different to most pets. Ferrets are so often unappreciated and only other ferret owners know what other people are missing out on! 

Oda was a big part of my life and I felt a lot of guilt and sadness after losing her, and I knew to help me cope I had to have some sort of contact. The things Jackie told me gave me instant goosebumps, and made me cry - but happy tears! - she was just incredible. She helped me more than I could ever ask. The reading gave me all the answers I needed and more.

I have recommended her to so many people, as I know how life changing it can be having a final farewell message from a loved pet. To know they are still around and at peace is just priceless.

I had a lovely reading with Jackie - this was my first time for anything like this and I’d definitely do it again. 

It was fun, uplifting and very emotional. It was a delight to have her communicate with my dog Brecon. 

Jackie was spot on with how Brecon passed, this gave us both goose bumps. 

I would love to do future readings with Jackie again. So, until the next time!

The reading with Jackie opened up a whole new world and understanding for me. Whilst I have visited mediums and clairvoyance during my life, I had never really stopped to consider what happens to our beloved pets when they cross over or even contemplated that they could communicate with us once they had gone.

Jackie validated Tess and her life here on Earth and in Heaven. The reading provided complete comfort to both me and the entire family and provided a complete understanding of what happens when the body fails us.

The reading provided us all with the reassurance that we craved, knowing that we had made the right decisions for Tess during her life and that her last couple of weeks had been full of love, not purely suffering.
Paul Butler
Having a Skype reading with Jackie was so comforting, as we had recently lost our beloved Labrador - Libby to spirit. As a Clairvoyant Medium, I know 100% that our pets live on in the afterlife, but that didn't stop me missing our beautiful girl. Libby had been a massive part of our family for over 14 years and she has left a hole that will never be filled.

Connecting with Jackie was so magical. She is literally like a breath of fresh air, and very down to earth. A lovely lady, who was absolutely spot on with Libby's personality. A dog that was indeed, a 'People pleaser', and 'The softest girl ever' but her sense of humour shone through, too!

Libby said she wanted me to remember her when she was in her prime, and that was to be at the age of eight! This was so apt as… The day before her reading I had been looking at her large and gorgeous picture on our wall. I asked my husband what age was Libby when it was taken. Yes, it was… aged eight!

Jackie said she knew we were there at the end, and thanked us for kissing her head once she had gone. Something Jackie couldn't have possibly known had she not been linking with Libby. Thank you Jackie - from the bottom of my heart.
Alison Wynne-Ryder  
How comforting it was to have a reading with Jackie following the sudden death of my beloved dog, Indi. I wasn’t sure what to expect but Jackie made the whole process very easy – a couple of simple email questions, a photo of Indi and a phone call was booked! I’d thought Jackie would tell me a few things about Indi’s life that she had somehow ‘picked up on’ from the photo but I was amazed when she had an actual conversation with my dog, there and then on the phone with me.

Jackie told me things that only Indi and I would know – how she’d been picked as a puppy, how she’d fitted into our family’s life and what it had been like when she died. My Indi was as confident and joyful as ever, her sense of humour still very much intact! Thank you Jackie, your talent is matched only by your kindness - I will miss my dear dog always but you have given me reassurance that there really is an Afterlife and what’s more, our beloved pets are firmly in it.

For someone who deals with Heaven, Jackie is wonderfully down to earth.
Lucy F, Bristol
Having spent thousands of pounds on vet tests at top specialists in the country, sadly nobody could come up with a diagnosis as to what was wrong with my special boy. Tragically I lost him and was left wondering if I would ever understand what went wrong, and more to the point, could anything else have been done.

Thanks to Jackie using her incredible gift, in one spirit reading my dog was able to give us the clues and pointed to something very valid that had never been considered. Having looked up the internet it all fitted and this led us to a diagnosis and understanding of why had become so ill. His wish was for me to inform the vets of this information so should another dog come their way with his symptoms (of a rare reaction) they may be able to help them.

We can all be at peace now and know that we did the right thing by him and finally have the answer we fought so hard for. I will remember him in the way he wants and look forward to seeing him on the other side with no guilt, just love. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts; both mine and Barnabys!
Beth Wakelin
When we suddenly lost our beautiful Bonzo during an operation to remove a liver tumour. Completely heartbroken we were desperate to find out if animals went to Heaven when they passed away. We stumbled across Jackie’s website featuring lots of celebrities singing Jackie’s praises and although still very sceptical, we were desperate to know if Bonzo was ok so we decided to give it a go. Well, it turned out to be quite simply the best thing we have ever done and one of the most amazing surreal experiences ever!

Jackie left us in no doubt that she was communicating with our beautiful boy. She told us about him being treated for an infection instead of a tumour just before we lost him and that there was nothing we could have done. Just from a photo of Bonzo, Jackie told us so many personal things that could only have come from our Bonzo which made us both laugh and cry at the same time.

This session with Jackie brought us so much comfort and even though we can no longer see Bonzo, it is so comforting to know he is still around and watching over us. Jackie is such a friendly, warm and caring person with an incredible talent who has helped heal our broken hearts and we simply can’t thank her enough. We will always miss Bonzo but thanks to Jackie we now know that we will see him again one day. Thank you so much Jackie!
Kathy & Mark Ford
I was at one of the lowest points of my life that I can ever remember following the sudden and devastating death of my six year old Flatcoat Retriever, Phoebe. Only 14 months previously we had lost her mother Connie, aged 8, to cancer. My girls were as one and when Connie went, I felt in my heart that Phoebe would be following her mother far sooner than she should. They were my beloved Girls, my pride and joy and my life, they were everything I lived for.

I was given Jackie's name and number by a great friend of mine who had been in touch with her and spoke very highly of her, so with nothing to lose, I contacted her. I found I could talk to Jackie easily and sensed her depth of feeling which created such a bond. As soon as Jackie started the communication Connie came through and then Phoebe followed wanting to have her say too. The communication with them made me laugh, smile and cry, often all at once! It was so accurate and so poignant, it was truly amazing and has given me hope and peace.

Following this communication, I hope Jackie continues her work with animals who has passed over to the spirit world. She was exceptional. I thank you Jackie from the bottom of my heart.
My Maisy sadly passed away at the age of four from parvovirus. I was absolutely heartbroken. Words cannot describe the pain in my heart still.

I looked online to find anything I could do to connect me with my girl for one last time. I came across Jackie Weaver, an animal psychic. I was a little bit sceptical but took time to read the reviews and decided to try this for myself. It is the BEST thing I have ever done! She told me details that nobody could possibly know. She connected me with my princess again and we had the most amazing interesting conversation.

As heartbreaking as it is still losing my Maisy, I thought it would be impossible for me feel any better but straight after that phone call I now feel reassured that my girl is safe, happy and most importantly is still around me.

I can't thank you enough - you are truly amazing and a very blessed human being. Thank you so much again for helping me through this horrendously hard time. 

Leah - Cheshire
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